Stretton Church of England Academy

Achieve, Believe, Succeed

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Children are assessed in RE by:

  • Teacher questioning planned to elicit and check children’s grasp of the conceptual “building blocks” relevant to each key stage. Key questions are identified in the Curriculum map (above). For example, What is the Good News that Jesus brings?  Or What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today?  Teachers also monitor the retrieval practice activities at the start of each lesson to ensure that children can retrieve key facts and discuss core concepts confidently.
  • Questions interleaved throughout the 3 elements of Understanding Christianity and in the teaching of non-Christian units. In the Making Sense of the Text element of a lesson, questions may include Where does this fit into the big story of the Bible?  How do Christians use this text?  How does this contribute to our understanding of key Christian ideas? (Similarly, when exploring other faiths, children will be asked to think how the principles and practices they are discussing fit into a wider picture of that faith.)
    In Making Connections, a teacher might ask, ‘How do think this might affect your own life?’ Finally, in the Understanding the Impact element, children might be asked, ’How does this make a difference to the way Christians live today?’ These questions can also be used in learning walks, pupil voice, progress discussions and governor monitoring for consistency.
  • Providing feedback on independent written work against success criteria to ensure that children develop a deep understanding of, and meaningful engagement with, the world around them.

